Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy Holidays and Peace 2016

What a crazy year it has been! So many lessons learned, and surprises I never would have seen coming! Seriously! This years end of the year post will be focus on lessons learned! 
  1. Heavenly Father Answers Prayers
    I have learned especially in the past year that Heavenly Father answers all prayers. Even unwanted prayers. I learned that those answers are the best, because you didn't want an answer because you don't want to have to ask for that. But I learned that things are still going to happen regardless of whether you pray about them or not.
    I have also learned in bright huge flashing letters when it comes to Heavenly Father no means NO! Don't think you can change his mind, or prove that he is wrong because news flash you can't! It will take twice as long to get that no stuck in your head, and it will probably be a little bit more painful than needed.
  2. I am just as strong willed as ever, and can do hard things:
    I have done things I never thought I would ever do! Like return to Idaho for 11 months, only visiting home for 4 weeks over that whole time period. Or the more you do something that scares you the easier it will become.
  3. I am an artist
    Which means that my classes are not traditional classes. I have to spend lots of hours developing my skills, and perfecting what I can do. So while you memorize vocab words I am making something that will be judged, and that's my grade. Don't underestimate an art student, and their workload. I am 99% positive you couldn't handle it. 
  4. My heart is huge, and it won't stop letting people in
    The nieces and nephews just keep coming, and my heart stretches more and more. The revolving door of friends coming and going has been in constant motion. Which is fine, as hard as it is to say goodbye there will always be another person to say hello. 
  5. Hard work pays off
    This year I have lost a total of 40lbs and I plan to keep working toward my goals for 2017, my health is so important to me. No more sitting on the side lines! Not only is my health getting better, but so is my schooling! I have worked my little butt off this last few semesters, and because of that I am graduating a semester earlier than I planned possibly two! Which is a year earlier than what the school projected I would graduate! 
  6. Don't plan your own surprise party
    "Surprise parties are hostile and dark. No good can come from surprise parties." - Mark Sloan
  7. Disneyland is sort of the best place ever!
    I went back to Disneyland for the first time in forever, and it was honestly one of the best things I could have ever done. I can't wait to go back.