Friday, February 10, 2017

A String of Awkward Moments, welcome to my life.

My life is just one awkward moment after another, and it is something I have gotten used to. Whether it is running into my highschool crush what seems like 50 times in one month, and always saying embarrassing things when I see him, barfing at the mall, falling while I am dancing, falling out of chairs, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and the list goes on and on. However this week was just one after the other, and it was too good not to share.
Sunday: Not much to say about this except peppermint
Monday: I had to attempt to do the worm in front of a random apartment and, my fhe group.
Tuesday: I accidently spit on the guy in front of me at devotional, and then had to sit there for an hour while we both know what I did.
Wednesday: I accidently walked into the men's bathroom, screamed and turned around said a little too loudly "that is not the girls bathroom!" while running into a guy. A guy who saw the whole thing, and then said "Don't worry I won't tell anyone."
Thursday: Actually nothing too embarrassing happened.
Friday: I was at the gym and I put my foot on a shelf, which then flipped out and landed on the floor.

Laugh at my life, because I do.